Бивер-лейк - Железнодорожная станция - Клондайк: пропавшая экспедиция. Восстановить участок железной дороги

Бивер-лейк - Железнодорожная станция

Десятая локация на карте Дорога в Доусон. Рекомендация: чтобы пройти локацию, тщательно следуйте всем пунктам контракта. Помните, что как только вы заедете на эту локацию, автоматически запустится таймер на предыдущей - Мэдди, и ровно через 24 часа она исчезнет. Проверьте, все ли вы вывезли с Мэдди.

Ключевая постройка:

Склад локации общий с Домашней станцией. Возить материалы и энергетики не нужно.

Задания локации:

Выполнить контракт.

Постройки локации:



Машина Шерифа:

Можно произвести:


1. Найти сбежавший скот (2 коровы и 2 овцы)

Скот просто декор, кормить не надо.

2. Восстановить участок железной дороги

Построить 1 модуль рельс.

Стадии строительства:

3. Потушить (построить) горящие фермы - 5 шт

Проход к фермам заблокирован бревнами. Связки бревен - ресурсный объект на 20 единиц энергии. Также надо прогнать бандитов, которые встречаются во время поиска ферм.

Стадии строительства двух ферм:

Стадии строительства трех ферм:

После того, как фермы потушены, запускается катсцена с Губернатором, где он просит нас пройти мимо бандитов и достать ценные документы.
Всего на локации 11 бандитов: 5 на 20 единиц храбрости, 3 на 40, и 3 на 60.

4. Найти Бюро недвижимости

Проход к Бюро заблокирован бревнами. Связки бревен - ресурсный объект на 20 единиц энергии.

5. Обыскать (построить) Бюро недвижимости

Стадии строительства:

После постройки из бюро вываливается папка с документами и три ключа для открытия ворот.

Тот факт, что потребовалось месяц, чтобы получить этот отзыв об этом месте, это индикатором, насколько сумасшедший моя жизнь, и все же еще одна причина, почему Коттеджи Озера Бобра были прекрасным местом, куда пойти, чтобы убежать от всего. Когда мы поняли, что будем на СЗ Арканзасом в течение длинного уик-энда, я начал искать место для отдыха. Тошнит от того же, старого не - вид деревенский костей в Cabanas, я увидел этот номер онлайн и решила попробовать. Все, что я могу сказать, Ничего себе! Обычно я предпочитаю, чтобы сделать "базовый лагерь" и выйти. Не так на этот раз. После обрушивающегося дождя со снегом к югу от Джоплина, который быстро отправил письмо сами снегопаду, мы позвонили Нилу, чтобы объяснить, что это будет ближе к 6 вечера до приезда. Когда мы туда приехали, он встретил нас с двумя бутылками воды, шоколадных печений, распечатки погоды и путеводитель с картой Эврика-Спрингс. Когда мы приехали в кабину и открыли дверь, я честно teared. Свет проходил мягкая ирландские музыка играла на заднем плане, на романтический столик на двоих уже накрыт, и камин были сложены камином, готовым пойти. Да, настоящий камин; не те газовые номера на таймере. Табличка с нашими именами сидел на в противоречии с, приветствовали нас, наряду с бутылкой охлажденного вина или сока (ваш выбор) и сыр и крекеры. Завтрак в первое утро было предоставлено, который состоял из огромных банановых ореховых маффины (действительно ли это были домашней?) Овсянка, фрукты и апельсиновый сок. Я думаю, что было бы хорошо впечатлен в тот момент, но было больше. Рядом - хорошего размера кровать количества сна, я должен упомянуть серьезно мягкое нет - простыни морщины плотные, шикарные коврики и полотенца, джакузи с ванной с пеной и свечами и мягкие халаты, чтобы насладиться во время нашего пребывания. Еще одна вещь, которая произвело на меня впечатление, он был чистый – очень чистый – и так со вкусом декорирован. Бронируйте комментариев людей из прошлого пребывания, рядом с глубокий кресла и быстрые читай шоу, это место - любимый. Неудивительно, что так много пар провели медовый месяц или проводит свои годовщину здесь. И если вы решите не уехать (как мы), есть настольные игры, я считаю корзина для пикника, грилю на открытом воздухе, коллекции DVD и большой телевизор с плоским экраном, замечательный животный мир прямо на своей террасе мероприятиях озера, и о моем, что вид из окна от пола до потолка.Честно говоря, Нил и Кэрол продумали все и знают, как предоставить так романтично и невероятно расслабляющий, роскошный отдых, который заставит вас задуматься, почему в мире вы не забронировали еще по крайней мере, три ночи. Мы подъехали к 8 утра, чтобы добраться сюда и знали сразу же, что вернемся. Много хороших отзывов об этом месте и я, вероятно, Re - заявление, но некоторые вещи, которые могут помочь:1. Приезжайте приготовленные расслабиться и насладиться небольшими удобствами, которые балуют.2, Я считаю, что у них есть два - домики спальни для семей.3. Вы можете купить имя рельефные кружки или банные халаты. (Мы получили кружки. Спасибо).4. У них есть некоторые кухонные предметы, например, кофе, чай в пакетиках, сахар, S&P, кулинарный спрей и т.д. Если есть сомнения, просто спросите. Я принес слишком много.5., Так как номер находится на берегу озера, вниз по улице нет универмаг прямо. Я рекомендую купить продукты до приезда, это то, как вы можете хорошо провести время, когда вы прибываете и не должны уехать снова в продукты.6. Есть такой которой Кэрол и Нил дали список ресторанов, мероприятий и более – в случае, если вы чувствуете, что хотели бы уезжать.7. Две ночи не достаточно длинные. И это не шуткаСпасибо за самый восхитительный отдых. Как многие другие – Мы еще вернемся!

В 3.8 км от центра Лейк Коуичен по адресу 8631 South Shore Road расположилось шале Beaver Lake Resort.

Сервис и особенности Beaver Lake Resort

Весело провести время гости могут в игровой комнате, где найдется развлечения как для взрослых, так и для детей. Увлекательная игра в гольф позволит гостям всегда оставаться в форме. Есть возможность воспользоваться Интернетом. Недалеко отсюда можно заняться рыбной ловлей. Тем, кто предпочитает тихий и спокойный отдых, наверняка понравиться наличие библиотеки. Оборудование для занятий водными видами спорта можно взять у администрации. Если планируете ехать на авто, на территории гостиницы имеется парковка. Можете не брать с собой полные чемоданы сменной одежды, так как в гостинице есть прачечная. Номера подходят только для некурящих.

Проживание в шале

В этом варианте размещения есть телевизор с плоским экраном. В ванной комнате есть набор стандартных средств гигиены, а также бесплатные туалетные принадлежности, фен. Самостоятельная организация питания и напитков решается наличием электрического чайника, холодильника, микроволновой печи, кофемашины. В хорошую погоду пообедать можно на свежем воздухе, для этого имеется мебель на улице, обеденная зона. Из окон некоторых номеров открывается великолепный вид на озеро и горы. Для приятного времяпровождения есть патио.

Enjoy the peace and quiet of this secluded getaway. Located on 40 acres in the beautiful Ozark Mountains. Right next to the cabin is a creek coming from Beaver Lake with water running part year. Relax on the screened in porch listening to the wildlife or soak in the hot tub. The property has a gameroom with a pool table, air hockey, and a dart board. Kitchen is stocked with essential cooking and dining gear. Located by the deck is a bbq grill (propane/charcoal) for more cooking options.

The Getaway is a great place to relax and enjoy some solitude or good company. Kitchens, laundry room, and bathrooms are both stocked with essentials. Master bedroom has a queen sized bed and lounger. Second bedroom has a king sized bed and a double bed with a bed that pulls out from underneath. The cabins loft has three double beds. Living room has two sofas (one is a sleeper sofa), three chairs, chess table, and a tv with dvd player. Game room has a sleeper sofa, chairs, and a card table. Cell service can be unpredictable in rural Arkansas. There is a cell signal booster in the game room to manage this issue. There is no wifi or cable/satellite TV but there is a hot tub, fire pit, game room, TV with a selection movies, as well as an assortment board games. Just short drive gets you to Beaver Lake. Perfect place to bring family and friends and truly reconnect.

Located on 3 miles of dirt road in Hobbs State Park, not far from Beaver Lake. 35 minutes to Rogers, 35 minutes to Eureka Springs, and 20 minutes to War Eagle mill. 15 minutes from War Eagle Cavern. Closest grocery stores and restaurants are in Rogers and Eureka Springs.

  • This cabin was exactly as advertised. There were plenty of beds, and the game room was a fun place to hang out. But the best part were the thoughtful touches. We really felt welcomed when we arrived.

    Brady 2020-01-04T00:00:00Z
  • Quiet location, lots of beds, very clean and well stocked. Loved the house and gameroom. Very nice place to get away from everything. Very easy and fast communications. Can"t wait to come back again.

    Debra 2019-09-29T00:00:00Z
  • This is a great place for a group get-together. Off the beaten path and secluded, yet not that far from the city. Great game room and main house, no need to journey away.

    Cole 2019-12-08T00:00:00Z
  • We had a WONDERFUL mini vacation here - there was plenty of room for our large family AND in-laws. The game room and hot tub were so much fun. And the hospitality of the host was amazing! We highly recommend staying here and hope to stay again ourselves!

    Amanda 2019-11-08T00:00:00Z
  • Great; had a nice time.

    Abby 2019-11-04T00:00:00Z
  • Best family vacation! We thoroughly enjoyed everything about the cabin; the outdoors jacuzzi, game building, spiral staircase, loft, Christmas decorations, welcome brownies, play set, fire pit, etc.

    Tiffany 2019-12-22T00:00:00Z
  • It was a great place and relaxing for a getaway!

    Brigara 2019-10-01T00:00:00Z
  • Sonia’s place was very secluded and a nice place for just two or the entire family! Plenty of games and things to do without even having to leave! She was also very kind to let us bring our dog with us (considering she has the proper house training). Thank you again and we hope to come back soon!

    Kaitlyn 2019-11-06T00:00:00Z
  • Тип жилья

    Жилье целиком

    Тип жилья
    Возможное количество гостей

    Роджерс, Арканзас, США

    This artsy, unique, A-frame will transcend your soul back to a peaceful time reminiscent of the 70’s while still keeping aligned with today’s modern comforts. Come experience a truly, organic hideaway from home. Welcome to The LAKE FRAME

    Newly renovated A-frame in highly desirable Lost Bridge Village. Stunning floor to ceiling windows, all new furnishings & surrounding surprises of eclectic artwork. Guests will be in close proximity to swimming pool, clubhouse, lake, tennis courts & playground for our mini guests. THE LAKE FRAME is ideal for families, couples, honeymooners, outdoor enthusiasts & anyone looking to get away from the everyday hustle & bustle.

    Located in Lost Bridge Village, close to campground & marina. Surrounded by mature trees, gorgeous rock formations & lush lake views. Enjoy your morning coffee watching the deer from the back deck & evening cocktails while watching the sunset over the lake. Prepare a gourmet meal & dine el fresco on the beautiful back deck or cozy up inside while our dining area seats up to 7.

  • Jill’s place was beautiful! We were welcomed with some champagne for me and my partner and dog treats for our pup. After a long week, this was exactly what we needed. However, weather prevented us from staying another night as we lost power. Jill tried her very best to keep us up to date and was very sympathetic. I definitely recommend staying here. She was a great host and the lake view was to die for.

    Chase 2019-03-10T00:00:00Z
  • Wonderful place to stay with a very accommodating and attentive hostess.

    James 2019-06-16T00:00:00Z
  • Very stylish cabin, perfect for a little getaway.

    Bethany 2018-11-24T00:00:00Z
  • We had a great stay at Jill"s Lake Frame! Her communication was very prompt and check in was seamless. Jill"s house had awesome decor and the deck was so nice to sit out on! We had a great weekend!

    Nicki 2018-09-16T00:00:00Z
  • Jill’s lake frame was fantastic. We arrived on a wintery weekend & were greeted with warmness both in Jill’s cabin, as well as her communication. The space, the view, the design, it was all perfect and cozy. Jill even left dog treats out for our pup, which was so thoughtful. We hope to be back this summer to get on the lake!

    Molly 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
  • The house is just as advertised and a fun place to stay while enjoying Beaver Lake.

    Kathy 2019-08-15T00:00:00Z
  • Jill and her cabin was absolutely amazing!!! The personal touches were outstanding. We will definitely be back!

    Siara 2019-07-18T00:00:00Z
  • This place had a great feel. The view was great. The host provides feed for the deer and birds. She is also very responsive to any questions or concerns. It was a great place to get back to nature.

    Deena 2019-06-20T00:00:00Z
  • Тип жилья

    Жилье целиком

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    Возможное количество гостей

    Garfield, Арканзас, США

    Log cabin has a a Loft Upstairs, in the loft is a king bed with a door opening out to upper deck with spectacular view of Beaver Lake . Located 30 minutes to Rogers and 45 minutes to Eureka Springs. Downstairs is the large bathroom including separate with a seat, the extra large jacuzzi looks out to view of lake. Rock fireplace, kitchen with cooking utensils and tv on satellite . Cabin includes wifi. The deck has a charcoal grill and a patio set. We do not allow any pets.

    Enjoy this peaceful, secluded cabin with a spectacular view of Beaver Lake. This cabin is uniquely decorated like the comfort of home. The owners are located near cabin so we are available when our guests need something. Lost Bridge Marina is located 3.5 miles from Cabin. Great lake to rent a boat. 10 minute drive to lake access.

    Lost Bridge area is very scenic. Long curvy scenic mountain drive to cabin. If weather is snowy it is hard to travel our roads. Cabin looks out to lake. No neighbors in view. Great place to view Bald Eagles in the Fall and winter months.

  • View is outstanding. Wonderful place to stay. Beverly was very quick to respond to any questions.

    Blake 2019-09-22T00:00:00Z
  • This was everything we hoped for and more. The view was spectacular! We fed the birds every morning and made a fire every evening. It was quiet and peaceful. Beverly was quick to respond for anything we needed, but we didn’t need much because they provided everything we needed. We plan on coming back again.

    Shelley 2019-11-26T00:00:00Z
  • Beautiful location!

    Chad 2019-04-15T00:00:00Z
  • This cabin was just what we were looking for to get away and relax. The views from the cabin are amazing! You are a good 30 minutes from grocery stores and restaurants so plan ahead - but enjoy the seclusion, nature, and beautiful views! We loved it for our little family of 4. Wonderful getaway for some downtime.

    Dana 2018-11-21T00:00:00Z
  • The place was Much Better then expected; amazing view and perfect for quite weekend. I will book it again!

    Mahdi 2019-05-12T00:00:00Z
  • What a wonderful experience! Beverly was super helpful ! The house was beyond anything I could imagine and the views were breathtaking! We can’t wait to come back!

    Alyson 2019-07-19T00:00:00Z
  • Beverly is quick to fix any problem that may arise and is a very accommodating host! We loved the view from the cabin, the shower, AND the Jacuzzi! We highly recommend the kayak delivery service suggested to us by Beverly. It is a great place to stay!

    Amber 2019-07-28T00:00:00Z
  • Clean and orderly with the most beautiful view!

    Lauren 2019-04-28T00:00:00Z
  • Тип жилья

    Жилье целиком

    Тип жилья
    Возможное количество гостей

    Garfield, Арканзас, США

    My elegant yet rustic 2 bedroom 2.5 bath home is perfect for anyone traveling to the Beaver Lake, Bentonville, Rogers, or Fayetteville area. The location is one mile from Prairie Creek Marina and 5 miles from Rogers. You will enjoy the high-quality flooring, balconies, decor, and especially the view! Sleeping arrangements are extremely comfortable. We have over 105 reviews and are still at 5 stars! The place is spectacular & we ensure your experience is as well (check out the reviews as proof).

    The neighborhood is a quaint country area, very safe, and a perfect lake town.

  • Wonderful space, very cozy and clean. Great location close to town and lake access.

    Erin 2018-10-28T00:00:00Z
  • This is a sweet, fully remodeled space with a view that can be seen from the main floor or patio as you enjoy your morning coffee. Stephanie was on point with all communication and willing to offer any help if needed at our convenience. Fantastic host, and right around the corner from the marina!

    Lindsey 2018-06-10T00:00:00Z
  • Great place. Great value. Neighbors were respectful. Scenery was beautiful and would recommend again!

    Jessica 2018-03-22T00:00:00Z
  • Stefanie and DJ are phenomenal hosts. This condo is beautiful and clean and in a perfect location to enjoy Beaver Lake or Rogers.

    Casey 2019-04-21T00:00:00Z
  • Randy 2018-06-17T00:00:00Z
  • This place is great. We loved the space. It was super clean and updated. It was right by the lake but also only took a few minutes to get into Rogers.

    Matt 2018-07-08T00:00:00Z
  • Very clean unit, fully stocked with everything. Very quick to respond with any questions!!

    Eric 2019-07-28T00:00:00Z
  • We enjoyed staying at Stefanie"s place. She was ultra responsive & proactive with communication. We appreciated her hospitality with helpful tips and recommendations (in their Airbnb guest folder) upon our arrival.

    Heidi 2018-10-15T00:00:00Z
  • Тип жилья

    Жилье целиком

    Тип жилья
    Возможное количество гостей

    Роджерс, Арканзас, США

    Cabin #2. 1 Bedroom with Queen Bed and a Queen-size Sofa Sleeper (Cabin Sleeps 4) Full Bathroom, Full Kitchen and Living Room, Covered Front Porch with Picnic Table and outdoor BBQ Grill, Satellite and DVD player. Weekday Rate (Mon -Thurs) is $85.00 and Weekend Rate (Friday-Sunday) is $95.00 for the first 2 guests, extra $15.00 per Additional Guests. Kids 12 years old and under stay for Free up to 2 Kids. extra $10.00 per additional kid.

  • We were looking for a quiet place to relax and this was exactly what we wanted. The cabin was clean and comfortable and the secluded environment was awesome. We brought our 2 large dogs, and there was plenty of space to let them explore.

    Andy 2019-11-24T00:00:00Z
  • This place was great. Close to town and the lake and river. Very quiet and relaxing.

    Bradley 2019-06-30T00:00:00Z
  • A sweet little cabin in a secluded and private area. Loved my stay! Would come back a million times!

    Paige 2019-04-24T00:00:00Z
  • This was the perfect cheap cabin getaway. It was better than I expected and was more updated than the pictures appeared. Would stay again!

    Shauna 2019-08-05T00:00:00Z
  • Kristen"s property is very nice, with plenty of walking trails and great scenery to look at! The cabins are perfect if you are looking for getting away and not spending a lot of time in the cabin, they are not fancy and expensive, they are modest and great priced! The cabins accommodate dogs very well, mine loved it!

    Diane 2019-08-14T00:00:00Z
  • It was a peaceful place to stay.

    Patti 2018-09-11T00:00:00Z
  • Nice quiet place

    Sarah 2018-09-28T00:00:00Z
  • Clean and tidy. Really close to beaver lake! A bit overpriced though.

    John 2019-09-17T00:00:00Z
  • Тип жилья

    Жилье целиком

    Тип жилья
    Возможное количество гостей

    Юрика Спрингс, Арканзас, США

    See a virtual tour on IG! @TheLostHaus The Lost Haus is a place to slow down, a place designed for friends and family. Relax by the fire under the trees of the Ozarks, drink a glass of wine (or two), and let your mind wander. There"s hiking year round, the quiet sound of the lake, starry nights, and a cabin designed to feel like home.

    Follow us on Instagram @thelosthaus The Lost Haus is a 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath cabin located directly across the street from Beaver Lake - 30 minutes from Bentonville/Rogers and short 40 minute drive to Eureka Springs. We"re steps from Beaver Lake; lake access is within a 5-10 minute walk. The cabin is secluded in the woods in a quiet neighborhood, yet just a short drive to many amenities. Please Note: The fireplace in our cabin is not functional. The home has central air (A/C and Heat) that can be adjusted freely through a Nest thermostat.

    Eureka Springs (40 min) -Beaver Lake (across the street) -Back 40 Trail (30 min) -Slaughter Pen (30 min) -Crystal Bridges (40 min) -Amazeum (40 min) -Walmart HQ (40 min) -Coler Preserve (40 min) -Blowing Springs Park/Trail (40 min) -Walmart Amp (40 min) -Railyard Bike Park (35 min) -Fayetteville/University of AR (60 min) -Hobbs State Park (45 min)

  • We absolutely LOVED our stay at the Lost Haus! The hospitality was beyond amazing (something you can’t find these days). The record player was a bonus I didn’t even know I needed (I’m sure my family didn’t enjoy my singing or dance moves) but I sure did! The only issue we had with the Lost Haus is the fact that we are now going to become broke with how many times we want to come back to visit. Highly recommend this peaceful, cozy, and cute A-frame!

    Camille 2019-12-15T00:00:00Z
  • Beautiful, charming place. Very spacious. Great location. Would definitely recommend.

    Rachel 2019-10-20T00:00:00Z
  • We had the absolute best time staying here. The home is absolutely beautiful and even more stunning in person. I would 100% recommended for anyone to stay here! Josh and Emily were fantastic, by far the best hosts we have ever had staying in an AIRBNB. Can’t wait to stay here again in the future!! Thank you both again!!

    Nicole 2019-10-23T00:00:00Z
  • The home is beautiful, clean and very cozy. No need to bring anything with you as they provided everything we could possibly need.

    Angela 2019-11-27T00:00:00Z
  • Our stay was great! It’s even cuter than the pictures. My partner and I went down for Halloween and they set up Halloween decorations and left some seasonal treats. Absolutely would visit again.

    Jake 2019-11-01T00:00:00Z
  • This house is so lovely. The little A-frame feels comfortable and cozy and the decor is perfect. We had absolutely everything we needed for a great couple of days! Highly recommended for a girls weekend.

    Abbie 2019-12-03T00:00:00Z
  • An amazing place to recharge and get away! The cabin was perfectly clean, stocked with everything we needed plus some, and located in a beautiful area! We loved relaxing and cooking dinner together in their bright open space! We loved spotting deer passing by and watching the sun set on the lake. The amount of thought and care that they put into the details of each area of the cabin is evident! We loved it!

    Calvin 2020-01-05T00:00:00Z
  • This is a beautiful cabin with an amazing view of the lake from the deck. It was a wonderful and comfortable stay even in 12 degree weather. I would definitely recommend this cabin and I would return here again if I have the opportunity.

    Jacob 2019-11-12T00:00:00Z
  • Тип жилья

    Жилье целиком

    Тип жилья
    Возможное количество гостей

    Garfield, Арканзас, США

    The Ozark Traveler Homestead Cabin! Hot Tub, Trails, Cabin rental sleeps 4 with pull-out sofa, OR this cabin can be rented in conjunction with the War Eagle Lake House. Lake Access, Boat Ramp, Fire Pit.

    Offered by Ozark Mountain Vacation Rentals. We have the largest selection of lodging in the area. Please read this entire listing before booking. It"s essential that you read the details to ensure that your stay at this property will meet your expectations. Every property in the area is different. Regardless of which property you pick online, please check to make sure it has the amenities that you expect. VERY PRIVATE, UPSCALE REMODELED HOMESTEAD CABIN, PERFECT FOR REST, RELAXATION, AND ROMANCE. NOTE - Price is for 2 guests. Additional Guests over 2 are $10 per person per night. This allows us to keep this vacation retreat affordable for smaller groups. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF GUESTS = 4 25% deposit due at time of booking, and the balance due will be processed automatically 30 days prior to arrival. (100% may be due at time of booking when using 3rd party booking agents and not directly through our website). Pets not accepted NOTE - This house is down a 2 mile gravel road. This may be a concern if you are on a motorcycle or in a low riding sports car. 1 King Bed with En Suite Tub/Shower Combo, Queen Pull-Out Sofa Bed in Living Area Full Kitchen -Coffee Maker, Microwave, Fridge, Stove, Sink, lots of counter space for more than one chef Charcoal Grill - Bring your own charcoal This original homestead cabin has been superbly remodeled with granite counters, premium cabinetry, superior fixtures, and a heated tile bath. You will find the décor fresh and inviting. Treat yourself to rest and relaxation while enjoying the tranquility of the Ozark Mountains. HOT TUB - We added a two person hot tub to this property, making this the perfect place to leave the world behind and enjoy the Ozarks. No one around, 2 acres of mowed hilltop... This Cabin is truly a serene treasure! Note: This is lake front property, but there is no view of the lake from the cabin. Access to the shore line requires a hike down a rather steep hill, or a short 3/4 mile drive to the end of Cobble Ln, where there is a large public access area. Although this area is public, it is very lightly used because it is remote and relatively unknown. You will enjoy the peaceful landscape of this original homestead which is surrounded by lush forest and rolling mountains. Beaver Lake frontage is located down the hill from the cabin (again, not visible through the trees). The original double-entry covered front porch brings images of a by-gone era to mind. The seclusion allows you to enjoy the location of the cabin just as the original pioneers did a lifetime ago. Sink into a plush king-size bed for a well-earned rest. Refinished original wood floors accent the authentic charm of this Arkansas cabin. The heated bathroom tile floor ensures comfort on cool mountain mornings, while multi-zoned split unit air-conditioning keeps the house cool on hot summer days. You and your guests will enjoy gathering in the kitchen which features a large granite island… it is a perfect place to prepare superb meals while enjoying conversation. The kitchen is fully appointed with new appliances, cookware and utensils. Step out the back door onto the deck for dining Al fresco. The deck features a dining table, comfortable chairs, and charcoal grill. It’s the perfect location for a nightcap beneath the stars. This cabin is located on the same estate as the War Eagle Lake House. It is a relatively easy half mile walk down a narrow road that connects the lake house and the cabin. By renting this cabin, you can invite more family and friends to share your vacation, yet the privacy of this cabin allows additional guests their own space. Motorcyclists - This cabin is 2 miles down a gravel road... use caution when entering. There is a natural gravel boat ramp 3/4 of a mile from the house. The nearest boat rentals are located at Prairie Creek Marina - approx. 25 min drive by road. Rocky Branch Marina is the nearest full service Marina (they do not rent boats). Note – Wifi and Cable are not provided. We intend for you to relax with each other while at the Cabin… then get out and enjoy Eureka Springs, Beaver Lake and the surrounding area, and all the attractions and entertainment available. Please contact us if there is any change in the number of guests that will be staying at the property. It is very important for us to know the number of guests in case of an emergency or natural disaster. Neither floor space, nor furniture may be used as additional sleeping areas. Exceeding the number of guests stated on the reservation or allowing the entry of an unauthorized pet into the property will be quickly addressed and require immediate compliance with the Rental Agreement. Note, we are able to monitor the number of guests and pets at the entry point of the property. (None of our properties have internal surveillance video). Exceeding the number of guests stated on your reservation or bringing an unauthorized pet will be cause for cancellation of your reservation and cessation of your stay without refund as outlined in the Rental Agreement.

  • Secluded, yet only a short drive from Eureka Springs. Tons of deer on the property and the hot tub was a fabulous addition to the end of our day. Damon and Lilah were great on communication and were accommodating. Highly recommend for a weekend getaway!

    Jessi Lynn 2018-12-30T00:00:00Z
  • War Eagle Homestead was perfect for a weekend getaway! The location allowed for easy access to activities at the same time offering great privacy. It was clean and well stocked with anything you would need. I highly recommend this property and I would book again.

    Katie 2019-02-10T00:00:00Z
  • What a wonderful place to stay at! Lilah and Damon were perfect and so was the Cabin. We were secluded on 50 acres of property and the house was very up to date with appliances and overall features. Lilah went above and beyond to welcome us and make sure we were all set even though we arrived around 11pm. The hot tub was also a nice treat. If we had to do it over again the only thing I would change would be to stay longer!!! Thanks again for a great stay!

    Brad 2017-10-09T00:00:00Z
  • If you want a nice, quiet, peaceful place away from the busyness, this is a good spot. It was very private and the hot tub was so nice!

    Orlondo & Kimberly 2019-11-10T00:00:00Z
  • It was a beautiful place to relax...just the husband and I! We would love to return...the wildlife and lake near by was awesome!!

    Shannon 2019-06-23T00:00:00Z
  • Nice spot for a couples getaway. This place is VERY secluded so bring what you need. Very nice for a quiet place to stay though. Saw lots of deer, armadillos, and other wild life. Hope to visit again!

    Nicole 2017-08-18T00:00:00Z
  • Great place, very quiet and secluded. The cabin is very nice and cozy. The property is very pretty an surrounded by woods. This place is all you need!

    Steve 2019-04-14T00:00:00Z
  • Kitchen was very spacious. Had every accessory imaginable to cook. Had updated fridge & dishwasher. High end washer/dryer...not what I would have expected! Cabin, was supper clean! Had a old fashioned look & feel with a splash of modernization! Great place to stay if you want to disconnect from reality. Damon & Lilah answered all my questions, quick to answer. Would recommend them & stay with them a again!

    David 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z
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    Beaver Lake, Арканзас, США

    The Drift Away House is nestled in the woods and sits lakefront. It is decorated with charm and will make you feel right at home. Enjoy your morning coffee on the spacious deck overlooking the forest and beautiful Beaver Lake. The same view can be enjoyed from the family room and kitchen bar. Nature lovers will delight in frequent visits from Fox, deer, squirrel, and many species of birds. We have board games, card games, puzzles for every level, and books for all ages.

    The Lost Bridge Village Rec Room and swimming pool are within walking distance. Bring your kayaks, paddle boards, tubes, floaties, or boats because Drift Away is nestled in a large cove and is perfect for just hanging out on the water. We know you will enjoy your time at The Drift Away House!

  • We enjoyed our stay. Hosts were great. Fantastic view of the lake. Nice and clean with everything we needed.

    John 2018-12-15T00:00:00Z
  • What a wonderful place to be! I had a magical weekend w my family that I won’t forget! My host was amazing and this place beautiful w a breath taking view.

    Kimberly 2019-09-08T00:00:00Z
  • I would highly recommend this place for anyone looking to stay in the area. They were very accommodating and we had a great stay.

    Craigq 2019-04-21T00:00:00Z
  • Nice location to get away. Nice view of the lake from the deck. Clean and had everything we needed.

    Christine 2019-03-29T00:00:00Z
  • Clean, stylish and comfortable home with a fantastic view and on lake front! Host was responsive immediately. Check in and out was so easy! Absolutely recommend for a family of 4-5

    Chris 2018-12-26T00:00:00Z
  • Great place with everything you need. Very comfortable and an amazing lake view. Worth the winter trip for the view and calmness. Will go back and stay during the spring or summer. We highly recommend the Drift Away!

    Jennifer 2018-12-29T00:00:00Z
  • Beautiful location and accommodations! They were excellent and thoughtful hosts!

    Carly 2019-03-21T00:00:00Z
  • I"d already been there so I knew what to expect. It delivered. Cute, clean, quiet, on the lake. We enjoyed a hike nearby at the Lost Bridge State Park.

    Taresa 2019-05-23T00:00:00Z
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    Garfield, Арканзас, США

    This 3 bdrm 2 bath retreat is located In a quiet cul de sac with panoramic views of Beaver Lake. Very close to Prairie Creek Marina, 3 boat ramps within a short drive. It has 2 fireplaces/3 large decks/large kitchen and kitchenette/gas grill/hot tub

    Year-round lake view; easy access to home; quiet street; walk through the door and be transported by a million dollar view!

    This home has a great location in a neighborhood yet feels like worlds away; convenient to public boat launches and the Prairie Creek Marina and park, JJ"s floating restaurant, War Eagle Grist Mill and Hobbs State Park. The city of Rogers has shopping galore and fine restaurant dining. Bentonville offers Walmart Corporate office and Crystal Bridges Museum of Art.

  • Donita"s place on the lake was the perfect sanctuary on my recent business trip. Only a short drive from the city, the area was quiet and serene and easy to get to. The house was well equipped with everything we needed and the view was beautiful looking out over the lake. Donita was very responsive when I had questions. I would definitely stay there again.

    Adam 2015-06-26T00:00:00Z
  • Great home on the lake! The view is worth every penny. Lots of games and very homey. Would recommend and return.

    Shahrzad Linda 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z
  • AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING. This house is EXACTLY as described and more. The pictures don"t do it justice. Clean, comfortable beds, amazing view, deck and space. There is EVERYTHING one can think of in the home and provided by the host. Details are this hosts pride. So many small touches throughout. From plenty of spa/lake towels to kitchenware/spices to simple things like, a ring holder above the kitchen sink, plenty of trash bags, movies, games, art supplies. Everything in the house is well marked and instructions for how everything works. Stress free stay. Never had to bother the host to ask a simple question. Love when there are instructions for everything. The jacuzzi was warm, clean and even had a testing kit to check the chemicals. Quiet neighborhood. My family had a lovely stay and can"t wait to book again! Thank you for sharing this beautiful home!

    Julie 2018-08-08T00:00:00Z
  • very nice accommodations and wonderful view

    Cathy 2018-07-11T00:00:00Z
  • Awesome views, great master suite, hot jacuzzi and tri-level deck made this place a great experience. Donita went the extra mile to accommodate our 8 month old. The place was spotless and filled with great games and local area info. Great stay!

    Ben 2016-10-28T00:00:00Z
  • This was our second stay in Donita"s home; this time we took the kids. It was a wonderful experience once again, and our 7-year-old daughter loved the giant Barbie house that"s hidden in the upstairs, middle bedroom closet. We will definitely be back!

    Kim 2016-06-16T00:00:00Z
  • Beautiful place! Donita was a fabulous host.

    Taylor 2019-03-19T00:00:00Z
  • Wow- what a beautiful view! We loved our stay here. We were planning a camping trip but had to change at the last minute. Donita booked us same-day and we were so grateful for her accommodating our last-minute reservation. We have kids and they loved the Barbie house and games. It kept them entertained quite a bit! This place is perfect for all ages. With or without kids- I highly recommend!

    Celeste 2019-07-12T00:00:00Z
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    Роджерс, Арканзас, США

    Looking for a beautiful, quiet, scenic getaway with the wonders of nature, you found it. Cabin is nestled on a hillside, with a spectacular view . Located 30 minutes to Rogers and 45 to Eureka Springs. Cabin is on a steep drive so no motorcycles or boats up drive. Boat rentals, Hiking trails, and boat ramp 10 minutes drive to Lost Bridge North Park. Although cabin is close to water, it is Best to swim at beach areas. Outdoor fire pit and BBQ grill on patio. We do not allow any pets.

    Cabin is unique because of the awesome view. With everything you need including wifi you can make memories. Todays world does not know how to enjoy each others company, like playing cards, watching movies, hiking the Lost Bridge north and South Park or best of all spotting Bald Eagles from your cabin deck. Rent a boat and experience the prettiest cleanest lake in Arkansas. Standing fire pit outside. We are firm on no pets.

    Our neighborhood is very secluded and quiet. We do have a lot of private docks and lake property on Beaver Lake. Public designated safe swimming is at the Lost Bridge North and South public beaches. You can swim or fish in front of cabin if you don"t mind the natural shoreline. We are legally not allowed to clean or move trees from shores. Beaver Lake is owned by the Corp of Engineers. Beaver Lake is very clean and not junked up with numerous docks and dining.

  • Beverly"s place was just what we needed for a relaxing weekend with the family. You will have everything you need. Don"t miss relaxing in the tub in front of the huge picture window with the lake to watch. Thanks for sending the picture perfect snow! ;-)

    Leah 2019-01-20T00:00:00Z
  • The cabin was gorgeous and so convenient to all the places we wanted to visit. The cabin was clean with lots of amenities. The view was spectacular and we saw lots of wildlife. Seeing as we were from Northern Illinois, the driveway was a little intimidating. Other than that, it was amazing.

    Kelli 2019-07-17T00:00:00Z
  • This house is awesome. It"s a bit of a drive to some local places, but we had no issues getting down to the natural shoreline for a swim. The seclusion was a nice change of pace. We really enjoyed walks in the neighborhood (watch out for fast drivers) and the set up of the cabin. Lots of seating areas throughout. For some reason I thought the Master bathroom and closet were more enclosed, but the space between the door and ceiling is open. Just something to keep in mind - we had two little ones we were trying to put down for naps. Plenty of space for our crew, and we had two extras tag along last minute. We really enjoyed ourselves. Beverly was kind and quick to respond to all my questions. High highly recommend this cabin! PS the driveway is a little scary, but we made it up fine!

    Sarah 2019-08-05T00:00:00Z
  • Great view of fhe lake and plenty of room for a family get away. Beverly is very prompt in communication and is local if any help is needed.

    John 2019-06-09T00:00:00Z
  • Just like the pictures! My family had a great weekend together with amazing views. There is a lot of information within the cabin about local places to explore. Wifi was in and out but that is to be expected in a remote location. Amazing weekend get-away!

    Kelsey 2019-05-13T00:00:00Z
  • We loved the place. The view is amazing. Perfect amount of space, comfortable furniture, a great kitchen. Prices are extremely reasonable for the quality of the home and the loca. Would definitely visit again.

    Misty 2019-03-17T00:00:00Z
  • The cabin was very clean and had amazing views. The homeowner was very responsive and took care of everything. We had a very nice family vacation and relaxed by the fire. I recommend this to anyone looking for a quiet relaxing time. It seems to be well furnished and you can’t beat the master bedroom.

    Justin 2018-03-25T00:00:00Z
  • There"s a great view of the Lake from the big picture windows in the living room and master bedroom. Very peaceful stay..

    Teresa 2018-11-18T00:00:00Z
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    Garfield, Арканзас, США

    Step into the tranquility of our lakefront vacation home. Peaceful surroundings allow you to relax on the decks. Swimming and fishing are just steps away; 100 feet to the water"s edge with easy off access and access to tie-off a boat or jet ski during the day. This home is truly an all-season getaway. 18m. Pinnacle Hills Mall, AMP concerts and John Q. Hammons Convention Center. Crystal Bridges Museum and Children"s Amazeum only 19m. away. We are apx 30m. from XNA & 28m. from Eureka Springs

    This will be a private home for you to enjoy. It is fully stocked with towels, all cookware, and kitchen ware. We provide a goody basket upon arrival containing pancake mix for the flip waffle maker, syrup and cookies and marshmallows for smore making! (We make them with fudge stripe cookies:))! Enjoy! We provide a washer and dryer along with the laundry soap. There is a gas grill on the back deck, we provide the gas. We are located right on the water and give you access to our canoe and kayaks. You must wear life jackets at all times. There are 2 levels to the house 2 bedrooms on the upper level and 1 on the lower level. The upper rooms each have a queen bed and the lower level has a set of bunk beds.

  • Right next to the water!

    Facundo 2019-02-03T00:00:00Z
  • Casey"s place is really great, the location on the lake is lovely, and the house is very comfortable.

    Fiore 2018-06-11T00:00:00Z
  • Lee 2019-06-01T00:00:00Z
  • Nice house with lots of space. Great access walking to lake from the house. Kayaks were a plus for us. Distance to grocery, Eureka Springs, state parks, etc were minimal. Nice balcony and a deck on back on the main floor.

    Jj 2019-09-08T00:00:00Z
  • I loved it!! The house was super clean. The location is perfect. Im really hoping to be back during the summer time.

    Idalia 2019-02-10T00:00:00Z
  • The stay was amazing. Casey is very helpful and super responsive to messages. I had to make some very last minute changes and she approved them all without hesitation. I recommend anyone looking for a place to stay in Rogers or Eureka Springs should stay here.

    Kaushal 2019-10-07T00:00:00Z
  • This home was very peaceful and the view of the lake and surrounding hillsides were gorgeous. The kitchen was especially clean. We wanted to cook and not go out for all of our meals and the kitchen offered everything we needed to cook both on the range top & in the oven. The supplies were very clean (we have rented at other locations before that I wouldn"t dare cook with any of the kitchen supplies). The multiple TVs were perfect- every one could watch their own shows (1 upstairs, 1 downstairs). Our get away was planned for our family to get rest after a recent tragedy- the neighborhood is very quiet and allowed us to get rest and plenty of naps! Thank you

    Terrie 2019-03-15T00:00:00Z
  • Awesome place, clean, hospitable host and right on the lake. Definitely would recommend.

    Sam & Jill 2019-11-03T00:00:00Z
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    Роджерс, Арканзас, США

    Set in the Arkansas hills on one of the state"s most beautiful, quiet, clear lakes, famous for diving, fishing, & water sports, 4000 sf is all yours! And 4th of July is especially fantastic because of the home"s prime view of the local fireworks display from the deck! This luxurious home is Ideal for bringing all your family & friends together under one roof, with enough space for quiet time as well as together time. A beautiful place to enjoy nature and your favorite people any time of year!!

    IMPORTANT!! The house number of this home’s address has changed!! Since Airbnb does not currently allow for changes to be made to a published listing, please note that you will need to use the address in the “Welcome” message you receive directly from me upon booking your reservation rather than the address in the confirmation email you will receive from Airbnb. Our home is located in the beautiful Arkansas hills overlooking one of Arkansas’ quietest, clearest lakes. Whether you are a lake person who likes to spend all day out on a boat fishing, skiing, wakeboarding, surfing and tubing...or you are looking for the perfect spot to enjoy a spectacular fireworks display with the family on the 4th of July...or perhaps you are looking for a place to stay where you can access any number of the fall festivities and take in the breathtaking fall colors... No matter what draws you to the area, this home will provide you with everything you need to make memories for a lifetime! The home itself will accommodate 16 guests comfortably in beds with a king master suite, 2 queen rooms, a bunk room for 6, and 2 full sized futons in the rec room. The house is located in Lost Bridge Village on Beaver Lake in Garfield, Arkansas...a remote area just 20 minutes from Pea Ridge (site of the famous Civil War Battle of Pea Ridge National Park), 30 minutes from Rogers, AR (home of Sam Walton and the first Walmart), 45 minutes from the enchantingly historic Victorian town of Eureka Springs, and an hour from the University of Arkansas. Here you will find an abundance of peace and tranquility, time to reconnect with family and friends, and tons of lake fun as well as many sites and happenings to take in year round! The home has a fully equipped kitchen, all linens and bedding, ceiling fans throughout, a laundry room, satellite TV, and free wifi for your use and convenience. The lake itself is fed by the White River and boasts some of the clearest waters in the Midwest, making it one of the best diving lakes in the region. Fishing guides are available for hire, as Beaver Lake is famous for its Striper fishing and is excellent for many other breeds as well. The lake, in comparison to other regional lake hotspots, is very non-commercial, quiet, and sparsely populated. Beaver Lake is run by the Corps of Engineers and is therefore highlighted by its natural, non-commercialized shorelines. It is surrounded by the Arkansas hills and magnificent cliffs and is known for its calm, glassy waters, excellent for all water sports. Boats, boat slips, and some water toys can be rented from the nearby marina. And even though city life, dining, and entertainment can be found just 30 minutes away…we believe you will find the quiet nights on the screened porch with your favorite people far surpass anything the city has to offer.

  • The host and house were amazing. We had wonderful stay. Host is very fast in response for any queries you may have. The house was in amazing condition. All amenities in kitchen and bathroom were full and no need to carry anything from home. Back patio has very good view of the lake and dont miss early morning view.

    Narendra 2019-10-15T00:00:00Z
  • We had a perfect weekend staying at this cabin. The house is very spacious, comfortable, and fully stocked, and the view overlooking the lake can"t be beat. One of the marinas is only a few miles away, so we were able to rent a boat very easily. Kelly was a very helpful host, and was quick to respond to any questions we had. If you"re going to Beaver Lake, I highly recommend staying here.

    Benj 2018-05-28T00:00:00Z
  • What. A. View! There are so many fantastic things to say about our trip but the view was out of this world! The house was spotlessly clean, cozy and just homey. We felt so welcome and and Kelly made everything so easy for us. We will definitely plan to return!

    Kaylan 2019-09-22T00:00:00Z
  • This was a great location for our ladies" retreat! The house was super clean, kitchen well stocked, plenty of towels, and bedding. All the extra touches made our weekend even better. This is a great location for a big group. The open floor plan made it very easy for us to meet and enjoy fellowship together. The view was beautiful. The house was everything and much more than I expected. What a relaxing place to go!

    Amanda 2018-10-14T00:00:00Z
  • Awesome house, peaceful setting.

    William 2018-09-17T00:00:00Z
  • Kelly’s place was just what we needed. My mom passed away in February a bit unexpectantly then my dad passed away a week ago. We canceled our reservation because I had to pay for his funeral. Kelly quickly responded with her condolences and offered a discount when things calmed down. As foster and adoptive parents we needed this time away for our entire family so the thought of canceling on top of losing my dad was to much. I contacted Kelly and asked how much of a discount so I could see if I could make it work and she was very generous with her discount and put it back in my comfort zone financially. So we were back on. We arrived at the house, it was exactly how she says it is. Clean, large enough that you can be together or get lost by yourself. The view was incredible, beds comfy, well stocked with things you would not expect. Our family for the first time in a long time played together, cooked together, laughed together and had some friendly competition. For me and my wife, we were able to sit. We don’t get to do that with four kids ranging from 4.5 months to 11 years old. We even met Kelly’s mom who was so sweet and brought us a welcome gift. We couldn’t have asked for a better first Airbnb. We can’t wait to stay here again. Thank you Kelly for a relaxing, so needed stay!

    Mandi 2019-11-25T00:00:00Z
  • The house was clean and beautiful. Kelly responded quickly to messages and was very hospitable. We would recommend this place to all our family and friends.

    Kim 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z
  • Anyone considering visiting area will enjoy the scenary and peaceful environment. Great time and will consider coming back in the future.

    Sergio 2018-06-24T00:00:00Z
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    Garfield, Арканзас, США

    Lakefront cabin on Beaver Lake, cozy log cabin at the end of a quiet cove. Additional bunk house (350 sq. ft) sleeps 2+; great place to entertain children or teens. Situated on 4 acres provides for many fun and relaxing activities. Conveniently located between Crystal Bridges, Bentonville and Branson, MO. Enjoy walking the trails, relaxing in the hammock, or playing in the warm summer waters. You are sure to create wonderful memories. Signed rental agreement required upon booking.

    This will be a private home for you to enjoy. The open beamed cabin is uniquely decorated like the comfort of home. It has a beautiful rock fireplace, It is fully stocked with towels, all cookware, and kitchen ware. We provide a goody basket upon arrival containing pancake mix for the flip waffle maker, syrup and cookies and marshmallows for smore making! (We make them with fudge stripe cookies:))! Enjoy! We provide a washer and dryer along with the laundry soap. There is a gas grill on the back deck, we provide the gas. Cabin & bunkhouse include wifi, tv on satellite. The owners are located near cabin so we are available when our guests need something.

    Very quiet. We are at the back of the cove.

  • Great trip! Beautiful private location.

    Christopher 2018-08-22T00:00:00Z
  • Great vacation spot for the whole family! Parents and kids of all ages had a blast! Lots of swimming, canoeing, and kayaking, and the kids caught fish. Played board games in the comfy living room with nice leather couches. The older boys loved the bunk house. Kitchen fully stocked with every dish/pan/utensil needed. S’mores almost every night in the best fire pit with plenty of seating. Just an all around great family vacation spot!

    Katie 2018-07-07T00:00:00Z
  • Great place right on the water for a family vacation. We bought groceries at the Rogers Wal Mart and just cooked in every night. Kitchen was well stocked and the bbq grill was great. Outside was great. Awesome fire pit for s’mores at night. Nice little place to swim and the kids loved jumping off the dock. Everyone enjoyed the canoe/kayaks. Prairie Creek Marina is a short drive and they are wonderful. We rented a boat there three days and had a great experience. Casey was amazing and welcoming and happily answered all our questions.

    Jennifer 2019-07-26T00:00:00Z
  • This place was so much more then expected, the owners were easy to communicate with, they made sure the house had all the little necessities and left us a little welcome gift. I couldn"t have asked for a better experience!! I highly recommend this place.

    Jennifer 2017-10-22T00:00:00Z
  • Our stay was fantastic. We really enjoyed the picnic table and extra seating in the backyard that overlooked the cove. We also loved using the kayaks and canoe to get out on the lake.

    Rusty 2019-04-28T00:00:00Z
  • Quiet, clean, comfortable, great dock and very affordable! Fun place for all ages.

    Lori 2019-09-29T00:00:00Z
  • We recently stayed in this beautiful log house. It is very secluded and it is an easy walk to the dock for an afternoon of fishing. It is easy access to Rogers and War Eagle. I hope to return next year for another week of family time during the War Eagle Days. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us!

    Elaine 2019-10-20T00:00:00Z
  • Expect to relax and get away from it all!

    Donald 2019-10-27T00:00:00Z
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    Роджерс, Арканзас, США

    We are a bed & breakfast w/ king beds & Private Baths. Indoor swimming pool (open April to November) & therapeutics hot tub & a sauna (open all year). This listing is for a king suite. We have other listings as well. A 2 bedroom family suite with kitchen. A room w/two twin beds. To book the whole house see our whole house listing.

    Romantic vacation lake setting and amenities. One king suite has a. Nursery attached. Great getaway for new parents! We have 3 King rooms with private baths. Your breakfast prepared by Chef Gary is included. This listing is for the king room only. We also have a queen room and a smaller room with two twin beds. There are other sleeping accommodations if you book the entire house. The total we can sleep is 14. See our whole house listing for price and availability. The beds are incredibly comfortable and cozy!

    This is a very serene place with a country, lake setting. If you don"t want to leave to eat you can arrange for meals with our chef owner. If ordered in advance you can arrange for a picnic lunch to take with you while you spend the day canoeing Beaver Lake. Or pre-arrange an on site, chef prepared dinner. Very close to the "War Eagle Craft Fair"! And a perfect location for "Bike Week" as well.

  • Our stay was awesome. We really enjoyed the pool and pool table as well as the ability to cookout. Gary made some great breakfast and was super easy to communicate. Gary is usually around and not shy when it comes to engaging in conversation but that didn"t bother us at all.

    Benjamin 2017-06-08T00:00:00Z
  • We had a group of ten, half adults and half teens. Gary"s house was amazing for both age groups. The beds were outstanding, the food was exceptional, but it was Gary"s thoughtfulness to details and our comfort that made this a trip to remember. We will definitely return.

    Suzy 2017-10-01T00:00:00Z
  • Nice secluded place. We were 3 families who rented the place together for Labor day. 6 kids in all and everything went smooth. Gary was a good host and flexible on breakfast time.

    Madhu 2017-09-04T00:00:00Z
  • Great venue, beautiful! Gary was wonderful and very welcoming. Very much enjoyed the stay!

    Jake 2018-08-12T00:00:00Z
  • The host canceled this reservation 10 days before arrival. This is an automated posting.

    Maureen 2018-05-16T00:00:00Z
  • Excellent place and fantastic communication. An absolute joy!

    Andrew 2017-12-01T00:00:00Z
  • This place and Gary are just simply amazing. I can only imagine how beautiful and cool it will be when we come back during the summer months and bring our kids with us. Highly recommended to pay Gary a visit.

    Tyler 2017-03-05T00:00:00Z
  • Gary"s home is so beautiful and really feels like home. And the view from the back deck is spectacular. Our bedroom was super clean and the bed very comfy. Gary is also an excellent chef and made us delicious pumpkin pancakes. We would definitely choose to stay with Gary again if we should come back to the area.

    Alvin 2016-09-25T00:00:00Z
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    Роджерс, Арканзас, США

    Cabin JP 5 sits on a 90 acre Campground in the Beautiful Ozark Mountains just 10 miles out of the Eureka Springs city limits and only 7 miles from the top of Lake Leatherwood Trails! This Cabin is all open with a Queen Bed, Jacuzzi for 2 in the corner, Electric Fireplace, Full Bathroom and Kitchenette which includes Small Fridge, Microwave, and a Coffee pot. No satellite available TV"s are for watching movies only and have DVD players. BBQ grill and private Picnic table in front of Cabin.

    Come hide away with us here in the beautiful Ozark Mountains! If you are looking for a nice quiet getaway, then Ozark Cabins is the place for you. We are a family owned and operated business since opening in 2000. We love meeting and getting to know everyone that stays here and have been blessed with long-term friendships we have gained over the years through repeat customers. Here at Ozark Cabins, we keep everything clean and simple right down to landscaping which is left as natural as possible. Our cabins are in a nice and quiet 90 acre wooded area but only about a quarter of a mile from Beaver Lake and the White River, just 12 miles west of Downtown Eureka Springs and 7 miles from the top of Lake Leatherwood Gravity Trails. We are perfect for the couples, families, pets, fishermen, the scuba diver or mountain bike enthusiast. We have everything to fit your needs from a variety of cabins full RV and tent sites and even an on-site officiant for those looking for a small intimate wedding. If you are ready to plan your vacation, book online today! We would love to meet you and have you stay with us here at Ozark Cabins!

  • It was a great getaway from the city!! My husband and I really enjoyed it.

    Idalia 2019-07-10T00:00:00Z
  • Peaceful, lovely woods and pond, close to White River, other activities

    Jessica 2019-10-17T00:00:00Z
  • This is they key spot if you love to just get away. My husband and I came down to unwind and this spot was amazing! They have thought of everything and it is soooo clean! They had great water pressure and every thing we needed all ready for us. We loved strolling to the pond and catching a bunch of fish to just gazing at how beautiful the land is. We also seen the cutest bever just playing in the water ❤️❤️. Kristen’s was always so helpful all great at communicating. This was a wonderful vacation. We will for sure be back next year thanks again:)

    Amber 2019-07-22T00:00:00Z
  • The cabin is exactly as it appears online. Small & cozy. Very clean and comfortable.

    Melanie 2020-01-05T00:00:00Z
  • Brock 2018-07-08T00:00:00Z
  • Couldn"t have asked for more.

    Jason 2019-05-27T00:00:00Z
  • Quaint cabin that was an easy drive into downtown Eureka Springs. We spent most of our time at the White River just down the street and had an incredible time fly fishing and enjoying God’s beautiful creation. This was exactly what we needed to just get away for a weekend and disconnect.

    Adrian 2018-08-27T00:00:00Z
  • Very great host. Nice and always offered to be there if you needed. Secluded. Clean space.

    Lehman 2019-06-23T00:00:00Z
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    Юрика Спрингс, Арканзас, США

    Mini Cabin # 3 sits on 90 Acres of Campground in the Beautiful Ozark Mountains! Cabin #3 comes with a Queen Bed, a Small Fridge, Microwave, Coffee Pot and a Full Private Bathroom, a BBQ grill in the back and a Picnic Table with a Fire Pit in the Front. The T.V "s are for watching movies only, no reception. We do keep movies in the office for guests that can be checked out during office hours. There is a full kitchen area that is available for a separate fee. (Ask for details) These mini cabins are in a group of four that are connected with a large front porch and walkways between each cabin.

    Come hide away with us here in the beautiful Ozark Mountains! If you are looking for a nice quiet getaway, then Ozark Cabins is the place for you. We are a family owned and operated business since opening in 2000. We love meeting and getting to know everyone that stays here and have been blessed with long-term friendships we have gained over the years through repeat customers. Here at Ozark Cabins, we keep everything clean and simple right down to landscaping which is left as natural as possible. Our cabins are in a nice and quiet 90 acre wooded area but only about a quarter of a mile from Beaver Lake and the White River, just 12 miles west of Downtown Eureka Springs and 7 miles from the top of Lake Leatherwood Gravity Trails. We are perfect for the couples, families, pets, fishermen, the scuba diver or mountain bike enthusiast. We have everything to fit your needs from a variety of cabins full RV and tent sites and even an on-site officiant for those looking for a small intimate wedding. If you are ready to plan your vacation, book online today! We would love to meet you and have you stay with us here at Ozark Cabins!

  • Great stay. Had a wonderful time. Close to Beaver Dam as well as Eureka Springs.

    Josh 2019-04-16T00:00:00Z
  • Cabin style, quite less than a mile to Beaver dam & trout fishing below dam!

    Michael 2019-11-03T00:00:00Z
  • The place was super clean, had a great view from the porch, and was a great value. Really enjoyed staying here and will be back. We also want to check out the other cabins and RV sites as well. This place is a great place to stay!

    Grant 2019-07-02T00:00:00Z
  • We truly enjoyed our stay. It was nice and quiet and the woods were so peaceful. Kristen made our stay so nice and the cabin was perfect for our needs!

    Kimberli 2019-10-29T00:00:00Z
  • Jarrett 2019-07-22T00:00:00Z
  • Great place to stay at an affordable rate! Loved it!

    Joshua 2019-12-02T00:00:00Z
  • Josh 2019-10-27T00:00:00Z
  • Kristen was a wonderful host. She took care of all our needs without being intrusive. She had wonderful suggestions for outdoor activities as well. We will stay here again in the future for sure.

    Sara 2019-10-20T00:00:00Z
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    Юрика Спрингс, Арканзас, США

    Large Lake Front Home on Beaver Lake near Beaver Dam. Sleeps 10 with large decks overlooking the lake.

    Offered by Ozark Mountain Vacation Rentals. We have the largest selection of lodging in the area. Please read this entire listing before booking. It"s essential that you read the details to ensure that your stay at this property will meet your expectations. Every property in the area is different. Regardless of which property you pick online, please check to make sure it has the amenities that you expect. BEAVER LAKE FRONT, PRIVATE BOAT ACCESS AND COVE, CANOE AND KAYAK AVAILABLE, DECK, FULL KITCHEN 25% deposit due at time of booking, and the balance due will be processed automatically 30 days prior to arrival. (100% may be due at time of booking when using 3rd party booking agents and not directly through our website). Pets not accepted Maximum of 10 guests. Bedroom #1 - Upstairs King Bed Bedroom #2 - Upstairs Queen Bed Bedroom #3 - Main level Queen Bed Bedroom #4 - 1 King Bed and 1 Queen Bed (lower level) 2.5 Bathrooms, 1 in Master Suite upstairs with walk in shower, half bath in second bedroom upstairs and 1 on Main Floor with shower and washer/dryer. Full Kitchen -Coffee Maker, Microwave, Fridge, Stove, Sink, lots of counter space for more than one chef Charcoal Grill - Bring your own charcoal Fireplace - Wood Stove Insert Enjoy this multi-level lake front home on beautiful Beaver Lake in the Ozark Mountains. Just 20 minutes from Eureka Springs. Featuring a private boat dock, end of the road seclusion and your own private cove. (Note: the road is gravel for the last 1/4 mile. It is relatively flat and easy to navigate, although, it may not be appropriate for motorcyclists or sports cars.) Layout: Large 4 bedroom 2.5 bath, on 3 levels. This lakefront home is the perfect getaway! Upstairs this house has a large Master Suite with a King Bed and great views of the lake with a private full bath. There is a second bedroom with a Queen bed and half bath also upstairs. On the main level, there is one Queen Bedroom and one Queen bed in the corner of the sun room area. The lower level includes a large room with 1 King bed and 1 Queen bed. The lower level includes a giant private deck. There is an internal staircase connects both the upper and lower levels. This very spacious home has room to spread out. The kitchen is fully equipped with dishes and utensils and ready for you to prepare great meals. It also has Satellite TV and WiFi included. Walk down to the lake with your own private boat dock where you can fish or swim in your own private cove. The dock has swim ladders, life vests, and a storage locker for fishing equipment. The 2014 Fishing League Worldwide Championship winning bass was caught in this very cove. There is a kayak and canoe for your use as well. Also, boat rental is located at Starkey Marina just minutes away. A wonderful location, 20 minutes from Eureka Springs with all its great restaurants, shops, shows and music. It is 50 minutes from Crystal Bridges American Museum of Art, which houses the largest collection of American Art in the United States and which is a destination for art lovers from around the world. Branson, MO and Silver Dollar City are an hour away. But staying closer to home and enjoying the lake on your own private dock is a great option too. You can hike or mountain bike at Lake Leatherwood, also a short distance away. Fish or swim right off the dock or try your hand at catching trout or walleye on the great White River fishery just 10 minutes from the home. Lots to do and enjoy. This home offers 24 hour security with a camera at the front door. Please contact us if there is any change in the number of guests that will be staying at the property. It is very important for us to know the number of guests in case of an emergency or natural disaster. Neither floor space, nor furniture may be used as additional sleeping areas. Exceeding the number of guests stated on the reservation or allowing the entry of an unauthorized pet into the property will be quickly addressed and require immediate compliance with the Rental Agreement. Note, we are able to monitor the number of guests and pets at the entry point of the property. (None of our properties have internal surveillance video). Exceeding the number of guests stated on your reservation or bringing an unauthorized pet will be cause for cancellation of your reservation and cessation of your stay without refund as outlined in the Rental Agreement.

  • If you are looking for a beautiful lake-front house that fits a bunch of people, this is the place! My family, parents, and I had the BEST time. We were immediately greeted by two deer as soon as we pulled up (we saw deer every day we stayed there), and my dad, son and husband had a blast fishing, swimming, and canoeing from the dock. The marina, beaches, and Eureka Springs attractions are all near by, but the lake-front access and views made it hard to leave the house!

    Jenny 2019-07-24T00:00:00Z
  • Our stay at Damon"s place on Beaver Lake was fantastic. The house is beautiful, extremely clean, well furnished, and held 8 of us comfortably. The side of the house facing the lake is entirely made of windows and glass doors, with decks on two floors. Very accessible. The addition of two kayaks and a canoe on the water is a great plus, along with a firepit and parking for plenty of vehicles. Check out is easy as well. As mentioned in the listing, the road to reach the house is a bit rough, so a low car may have a bit of difficulty. Our SUVs had no problem. Highly recommend this property for families or friends.

    Alex 2017-03-21T00:00:00Z
  • My family loved staying in this fun lake house. We were impressed with the cleanliness upon arrival and very excited about using the canoe and kayakes. Having a private cove was beautiful and the lake was very clear when we stayed (Aug. 2018). The children enjoyed playing in the woods, bon fires in the evenings and being on the water during the day. This was the perfect little get away for us.

    Amie 2018-08-12T00:00:00Z
  • Clean, amazing view of the lake, so much room. Just a lovely home with private space

    Dani 2018-09-03T00:00:00Z
  • Perfect layout for our family. Everyone could spread out and enjoy their own space. Fully stocked kitchen, board games, logs for the fire. Because it was a 3-level house the upstairs got a little warm and the basement a little cool. But that’s to be expected when the wind chill was 5 degrees! Great communication with the hosts. Would definitely stay here again.

    Lauren 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z
  • The place was as advertised and Lilah and Damon could not have been more prompt on replying to any questions or issues we had. I would not hesitate to stay with Lilah and Damon again in the future. Jason

    Jason 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z
  • Is at a pretty location. A hideout! Fully furnished and plenty of rooms for 8 people.

    Christina 2019-11-10T00:00:00Z
  • While the location is remote it is worth the drive. It’s quiet and peaceful with lake access in walking distance. It made for a great weekend for 9 of us.

    Kevin 2019-09-15T00:00:00Z
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    Юрика Спрингс, Арканзас, США

    Please read the entire listing before booking! Custom built log-sided home on 2 acres nestled into the trees for a private peaceful feel, just minutes from beautiful Beaver Lake, War Eagle Mill or Downtown Rogers. Home features cathedral ceilings, custom woodwork, granite counters, private mstr suite w/balcony and a stacked stone fireplace. Hot tub & deck for relaxing on those cool fall nights. King bed, queen bed and two couches (not pullout type). Jeep Wrangler available to rent $50 / day.

    The cabin is located on 2 acres at the very end of my street so it’s very private with very little thru-traffic except for my neighbors across the street. Its a 1/2 mile from lake access 4 miles from Prairie Creek marina & swimming area 5 miles from Rocky Branch marina & swimming area 4.5 miles from War Eagle Mill 5.9 miles from War Eagle Cavern 4.6 miles from Hobbs State Park 8 miles from downtown Rogers 11 miles from the Arkansas Music Pavillion 16 miles from Crystal Bridges 16 miles from the Amazeum 30 miles from Eureka Springs 32 miles from Dickson St in Fayetteville 30 miles from the U of A There are tons of hiking & biking trails in the area. 19 miles from Slaughter Pen biking trail 9.8 miles from Lake Atalanta 21 miles from Blowing Springs Trailhead You can download the AllTrails app to see the multitude of hiking trails we have in the Ozarks. I’m happy to answer any questions, as I am familiar with most of them.

  • Lesleigh"s place is a must-see. The house is beautiful and decorated perfectly; this made us feel right at home. She had detailed instructions with expectations, making it easy for us to know what was allowed and not allowed before we even started our stay. Lesleigh also had a whole book of local attractions. Our little group found this place to be in a great location, easy to access the main part of Rogers and the lake. The house was impeccably clean, we were able to feel comfortable the whole time stayed. It was an easy checkout as well. This will be a place we will stay again!

    Tasha 2019-10-06T00:00:00Z
  • Lesleigh was a wonderful host! Quick to respond, and willing to offer suggestions on where to visit in the area. The place was very cute and clean! Would definitely stay again.

    Violet 2020-01-02T00:00:00Z
  • Lesleigh was helpful and accommodating prior to and during our stay. The cabin was perfect - we were looking for a getaway from the city and it provided just that. The home was extremely clean, well-decorated and furnished, and comfortable. For this vacation, we planned to spend much of our time just relaxing and it was important to me to choose a place that would be comfortable for cooking, reading / relaxing outside, playing games with the family, and watching a movie at night. I couldn"t be happier with my choice! Lesliegh also provides a thorough binder of local recommendations, which came in handy for planning hikes or grabbing dinner.

    Jaime 2018-09-17T00:00:00Z
  • Great location, wonderful hostess. Lots of comfortable space to relax, well appointed home with a mix of fun and classiness. Quiet neighborhood, surrounded by trees, great sleeping in comfy beds. Rogers and Bentonville are close by for dining, shopping and Crystal Bridges art museum, a must see. Bike riding galore with access to trails everywhere. Fall will be a beautiful time to visit. Loved our stay!

    Barbara 2019-08-31T00:00:00Z
  • This was a wonderful and cozy cabin. We enjoyed our stay and Lesleigh was an excellent hostess. She communicated promptly and checked on us during our stay to make sure we had everything we needed.

    Jackie 2018-10-07T00:00:00Z
  • Great space and friendly host.

    Charles 2019-08-18T00:00:00Z
  • Lesleigh was a great host and was so helpful and very quick to respond to any messages. You will 100% love your stay!!

    Mindy 2019-10-13T00:00:00Z
  • This place is best if you"re planning to use the lake as your primary reason for staying here! It"s very close to the lake and has a hot tub and natural seclusion for summer, early fall stays. It"s sunny, roomy and very well maintained!

    Mary Jo 2019-11-25T00:00:00Z
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    Роджерс, Арканзас, США

    Our Jacuzzi Suites are the size of a comfortable hotel room with the privacy of a woodsy cabin. This makes our suites the perfect way to spend a romantic getaway. Each suite has a Sleep Number king bed, a sitting area, a Jacuzzi for two and a small deck with a stunning view of Beaver Lake. There are no kitchens; however, each one has a mini fridge and microwave. Most suite guests plan on eating out or bringing back carry out. Each suite has its own private boardwalk entrance to ensure absolute privacy.

  • Best experience ever. Accidentally scheduled my reservation for the wrong day and Kevin was quick to help me get in contact with Air BNB and get it fixed. Such a beautiful little cabin with a breathtaking view. Kevin was very welcoming and friendly. Would definitely consider going back soon!

    Melissa 2019-06-27T00:00:00Z
  • Great getaway place! Very romantic! Beautiful views!

    Britanny 2019-06-15T00:00:00Z
  • You’ll love the view! Private entrance, quiet, everything you need to relax!

    Pam 2019-06-18T00:00:00Z
  • Great room. Amazing view!! Nature trail to lake is awesome!! They go above and beyond to make you comfortable!!

    Maria 2019-08-25T00:00:00Z
  • Nice clean place with a great view

    Terrell 2019-03-22T00:00:00Z
  • This unit has an amazing view of the lake! You can’t go wrong with a stay here.

    Tracy 2018-10-28T00:00:00Z
  • A beautiful stay by the water ~ view is amazing ~ nice hike to water ~ excited to come back to enjoy kayaks! The cabin was perfect!

    Carol 2019-03-21T00:00:00Z
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    Юрика Спрингс, Арканзас, США

    Your own little paradise just outside Eureka Springs. Small cottage on ridge above Beaver Lake 10 miles west of Eureka. Adjacent to but separate from main house which was originally built to replicate an Irish cottage. Studio style includes bathroom with shower, small kitchenette with microwave, mini fridge & coffee maker. Outdoor bbq grill & seating. Private deck, secluded 6 acre setting at end of private road.

    Separate from the main house on private acreage on Beaver Lake. Newly renovated 1 bedroom cottage. One bathroom, small kitchen area with mini refrigerator & microwave. Wifi available but it’s unreliable because of our location. It can be reasonable but at times non existent. There is a TV/DVD hooked to an antenna so there is good reception for local channels & some DVD’s available for your use. If high speed internet & cable tv is a necessity this will not meet your needs. Nice deck overlooking woods & a little bit of a lake view.

    On Beaver Lake 10 miles from the delightful historic Eureka Springs. A few miles from Starkey"s Marina & Beaver Dam. Close to Lake Leatherwood City Park hiking & mountain bike trails. There"s golf nearby at Holiday Island. Lots of hiking in the area. Nice walks just around our acreage outside your front door.

  • We had a wonderful time staying in this cozy cottage! Our host was very kind and the space was beautiful - perfect for two and our two small dogs! We had a great time playing with our pups in the open space and relaxing with great views. Also, a friendly heard of deer like to come by often, it was a great experience.

    Kayla 2019-03-18T00:00:00Z
  • This was an amazingly beautiful cottage. Secluded but close enough to downtown. And just 5 minutes from the dam with a spectacular view.

    Gabrielle 2018-06-23T00:00:00Z
  • Beautiful and peaceful!

    Tammy 2018-10-08T00:00:00Z
  • A great place for two people no more than that though. They provided great hospitality and were very kind I just suggest not parking on their gravel hill you will get stuck but they were very kind helped us get unstuck. Also they were very easy to contact when we needed them. The dock was nice and although it wasn"t right on the property it wasn"t hard to get to. It was a very nice stay and place.

    Keara 2019-07-18T00:00:00Z
  • Very clean, quaint, with everything you will need for a getaway at the lake. The bed is SO comfortable! Very nice and accommodating hosts. The cottage is adorable.

    Sarah 2019-08-11T00:00:00Z
  • Words cannot express how amazing our time was. It"s was an adorable studio in the most remote area. If you love nature, you"ll love it here! They have a private dock on the water which was refreshing. Easy to get to, incredible directions by Alison, and wonderful recommendations as well. Plenty of hiking trails nearby, and so much to do in Historic Eureka. My husband and I would stay here again, no doubt. We recommend this to anyone!

    Alyssa 2019-09-03T00:00:00Z
  • Wonderful location. The cutest little cottage. Attentive and thoughtful hosts. The perfect stay on Beaver Lake!!

    Ariana 2018-09-23T00:00:00Z
  • Great little cottage in a serene location. The views were wonderful. Close enough to Eureka, but far enough away that you don’t feel like you are on top of the crowds. The cottage is cozy and cute! We enjoyed ourselves.

    Hanna 2018-10-29T00:00:00Z
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    Юрика Спрингс, Арканзас, США

    3400 SF lake house with 7-person hot tub, pool table, fire pit & grill, glass-walled dining room, kitchen, living room. 4 bedrooms, 5 baths, parking, 55-inch 4K/3D/PS3 entertainment center, boat rentals, and it"s a short walk directly to the lake.

    Vacations on Beaver Lake A short, 75-yard walk to the water"s edge, the Hot Tub Lake House is a perfect home base for gatherings of up to 10 friends, adult family members or coworkers. The Lake House"s 3400 square feet includes 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, a glass-walled dining room with seating for all, game room, spacious outdoor facilities, and many other amenities. Beaver Lake is famous for its boating and fishing, and we offer both pontoon rentals and boat slips from our nearby parent property or we can hook you up with one of the area"s best fishing guides. Of course there"s swimming and fishing right out your back door, and a nearby dive shop makes scuba diving in the lake"s clear waters both easy and convenient. Honeymoons, Anniversaries & Romantic Getaways While the lake house is usually only rented by the week during the summer, the rest of the year it caters to shorter stays and different purposes. Yes, our luxurious hot tub accommodates 7 adults, but the mood lighting is equally appealing to couples. Yes, the living room has plenty of room in front of the 4K, ultra-HD TV, but the sofa will be just as cozy with only the two of you. During the off season, our rate structure is based on an occupancy of 4 people, so a couple or two couples traveling together will find the Lodge an affordable and relaxing option. Also for your comfort, every bed is a pillow-top mattress with four pillows and luxurious white linens, and each bedroom comes with satellite HDTV, its own bathroom, and other unique features. Adults Only We love children, but this space is not designed for them. Sometimes adults need time off to themselves and like our main resort, the Lake House, with it"s high-end electronics, pool table, leather furniture, hot tub, fire pit, etc., is truly only suited to those age 18 or older. Birthdays and Other Celebrations In addition to its spacious living and dining rooms, the Lake House has a lot of room for fun. The game room boasts an 8-foot, slate pool table, wet bar, dart board, high-end sound system with tower speakers, and for you gamers, a PS3 with MOVE controllers driving a 55" 4K Ultra-HDTV. Bring your games. Immediately outside the game room is the 40-foot long screened porch with a dining table, glider, and a top-of-the-line, 7-person hot tub. Just outside the porch is the outdoor kitchen area and deck. The kitchen area features a 5-burner, stainless-steel grill and a kitchen island with sink and boiling burner. The elevated deck facing Beaver Lake has an additional dining table and a large gas fire pit for cozy evening conversations.

  • The place was a perfect getaway for us. We traveled with two other couples and there was plenty of room. We enjoyed the hot tub, fire pit, playing pool and darts. We hope to come back soon!

    Sherry 2017-03-19T00:00:00Z
  • This place is a wonderful getaway from city life. The layout is large enough to accommodate big groups while allowing individuals or couples to have their own space. The amenities and decor exudes lakeside luxury and guarantees a good time. Take a trip into Eureka Springs to experience its unforgettable vibe and people.

    Jessica 2018-11-25T00:00:00Z
  • What a fantastic place to relax and unwind! We enjoyed every bit of our stay and it was bitter sweet to leave. Looking forward to booking this amazing house again!

    Jessica 2019-03-27T00:00:00Z
  • This place was beautiful and perfect for a large group! We had everything we needed! What a great time:)

    Rosie 2019-03-24T00:00:00Z
  • Excellent location! Definitely recommend and plan to visit again.

    Shelby 2019-08-25T00:00:00Z
  • We enjoyed our stay at the cabin! Very beautiful and clean. We enjoyed the hot tub, grill, and all of the amenities it had to offer. We hope to be back soon!

    Ashley 2019-03-17T00:00:00Z
  • Wow! This place was perfect! There were only 3 of us on our girls trip so the house was really bigger than we needed, but it was SO nice! Everything has been done so well...nice layout, really nice furnishings and very well-equipped kitchen. Each bedroom with its own bathroom and sitting area. We actually each had, not only our own rooms and bathrooms, but our own floors! We used the fire pit one beautiful night and enjoyed the gorgeous view; we played pool, as well, but never got in the hot tub. We were really wishing we could"ve stayed another night, but are planning a return trip!! Highly recommended!

    Gary 2019-02-16T00:00:00Z
  • Beautiful view and very peaceful

    Shelly 2019-10-28T00:00:00Z
  • We came to the cabin to celebrate our 5 year anniversary and this was the perfect place to lock ourselves away! The views were spectacular and the cabin was so cozy and clean! Pics do not do this place justice! There was constantly wild life present and the morning sunrise is indescribable! The host also provided more than enough wood for us to have a nice fire every evening of our stay. They really have gone out of their way to make you feel comfortable and at home! Word of warning however, we went into Eureka Springs a couple times and while the distance is not too bad, this is not an easy drive and many signs warn “crooked and steep” roads so be prepared if you plan on venturing out. This will not stop us from returning in the future of course, but I may pack some Dramamine next time.

    Jada 2019-12-08T00:00:00Z
  • Great hosts. They leave you alone but we’re there if we needed anything which is perfect. The place is designed for whatever you need. We used it as a base for sightseeing. It’s pretty close to a ton of cool things to do. But it’s also perfect for lazy days. Highly recommended! I’ve got nothing but good things to say.

    Heather 2019-10-16T00:00:00Z
  • The cabin is in a very secluded location. The view was spectacular and we had lots of red cardinals in the trees and the birdfeeder.

    Krista 2018-11-05T00:00:00Z William 2019-05-11T00:00:00Z
  • Very windy roads and that’s the only bad thing. The house was perfect. Tucked away nicely to give us our privacy. Laurie was incredible and communicated with me the whole time! The house was spotless and a very good size. We had four people and had plenty of extra room! Can’t wait to come back

    Megan 2019-01-08T00:00:00Z
  • Cabin is the wrong word for this lake home as it is a full three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. The size of the cabin is deceptive from the view you see pulling down into the driveway. Once inside the cabin, you quickly note that it is very spacious and overlooks Beaver Lake with a view that is framed by extensive windows on the lake side both upstairs and down. There is also a wonderful screened-in porch running the width of the cabin facing the lake; a great spot to just listen to the ducks and other birds at sunset. Inside, the kitchen is well-equipped with pots and pans, an electric stove, a small microwave, a full refrigerator, and plenty of silverware and dishes. The dining space is a great for having dinner while viewing the lake. The bedrooms are spacious enough with comfortable beds. We slept in the downstairs bedroom and found the bed entirely comfortable. The bathrooms were very clean. The downstairs main bath has a whirlpool tub, which was quite nice. The bathroom is also quite spacious so there"s room to change clothes, move around, etc.. The half bath downstairs seems fine; I didn"t use it much. The upstairs bathroom has a stand-up shower, which was great for quick bathing. That bathroom is also reasonably spacious. There is a washer/dryer combo downstairs off the kitchen as well. Back upstairs, the real feature is the open loft space with windows overlooking the lake. There is a big screen television and a long couch and loveseat; both are comfortable but a bit used from so many renters I assume. Outside, in the back, there is a fire-ring and a bbq grill and smoker. There may be a path down to the lake but the hill is quite steep and the path disappears at the brush line. I"m sure there are other ways to the lake if you really want to visit. The only downside that I would advise future renters of is the rather steep driveway going down to the cabin. It"s graveled and steep but the owners have built a turnout to the side so I advise pulling down headfirst them turning around in the turnout and backing your car down to the cabin so you can pull straight up and out. This is important if you have a rear-wheel drive car (like my 300) because you"ll spin the tires trying to back out. If you pull out headfirst you should have no problem just slowly climbing the hill. I cannot speak to what that may be like in bad weather, though so be aware. Overall, the cabin was very clean, the host very easy and accommodating to deal with, and the setting was unique and fun! It is a few miles through twisting and turning roads to get to Rogers from the cabin but it"s not too bad. I"d stay again!

    Tracy 2019-04-14T00:00:00Z
  • Great Lake view at Hobbs State Park. Had everything my mom and I needed, and was a wonderfully peaceful place to rest for a weekend of trail running. Great value place.

    Jay 2019-06-02T00:00:00Z
  • Our girls’ reunion at the Beaver Lake cabin was great. Laurie responded immediately to anything. I highly recommend it.

    Julie 2019-10-27T00:00:00Z
  • Wonderful place to stay

    Bradley 2019-11-03T00:00:00Z
  • Definitely a place to stay!! Such quick response not only that place was clean and had such a nice view in the morning!

    Francisco 2018-12-16T00:00:00Z
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    Роджерс, Арканзас, США

    Our BYOB - Bring Your Own Bedding (air mattress ECT.) Hut is in a beautiful wooded area in the Ozark Cabins campground. We are located on 90 acres in the Ozarks just 10 miles out of the Eureka Springs city limits. Price is $40.00 per night plus tax for 2 people. And 5.00 charge for any additional person after. Up to 2 kids under 12 free. This has a full size wood platform that you can put an air mattress on. It has a microwave and mini fridge. There is a charcoal grill, picnic table and rock fire ring just outside of the cabin. There is also a bathroom and shower house located just below this hut in the campground area that can be used for this rental.

    Come hide away with us here at the beautiful Ozark Mountains! If you are looking for a nice quiet getaway, then Ozark Cabins is the place for you. We are a family owned and operated business since opening in 2000. We love meeting and getting to know everyone that stays here and have been blessed with long-term friendships we have gained over the years through repeat customers. Here at Ozark Cabins, we keep everything clean and simple right down to landscaping which is left as natural as possible. Our cabins are in a nice and quiet 90 acre wooded area but only about a quarter of a mile from Beaver Lake and the White River, just 12 miles west of Downtown Eureka Springs and 7 miles from the top of Lake Leatherwood Gravity Trails. We are perfect for the couples, families, pets, fishermen, the scuba diver or mountain bike enthusiast. We have everything to fit your needs from a variety of cabins full RV and tent sites and even an on-site officiant for those looking for a small intimate wedding. If you are ready to plan your vacation, book online today! We would love to meet you and have you stay with us here at Ozark Cabins!

  • We loved our stay! One big step up from tent camping. Beautiful location!

    Lauren 2019-08-20T00:00:00Z
  • Very friendly host and nice quiet place away from home.

    Hannah 2019-06-03T00:00:00Z
  • Kristen is very attentive and respectful to guests and the property. The place has a natural charm and the location offers the best of nature and unique town of Eureka Springs. I recommend Ozark Cabins to family, couples or solo travelers!

    Kerri 2019-06-30T00:00:00Z
  • Kristen greeted me at my arrival and ensured I was all set before leaving. So nice to arrive to an A/C coolec cabin. This place is a great place to recharge and I just loved the beautiful nature setting. The cabin was comfortable and I felt safe. This was a step up from tent camping with an A/C, coffee maker, microwave and frig. I look forward to future visits. Thank you Kristen

    Peggy 2019-07-14T00:00:00Z
  • We had a great stay. Close to Beaver Lake and just a short trip to Downtown Eureka Springs.

    Daryn 2018-08-04T00:00:00Z
  • This is the perfect little cabin for "glamping." The cabin is pretty minimal, but still comes with an AC unit, electricity, a microwave, and a mini fridge. Kristen"s plot of land feels tucked away and peaceful, but you"re only 10 minutes from Eureka Springs! Good option for when you want to be out in nature but not totally removed.

    Anna 2019-05-05T00:00:00Z
  • Great place to come and relax close to beaver dam and other amazing sights

    Mike 2019-10-13T00:00:00Z
  • the location is perfect, private and simple but exactly what is described. the bathrooms were very clean and close to the cabin so it was not a hassle. kristen was very flexible and kind about check in and check out times and very pleasant to meet

    Mackenzie 2019-10-06T00:00:00Z
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    Юрика Спрингс, Арканзас, США